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Guardian Scholars Program Division of Student Affairs

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GSP Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I know that I qualify for Sac State’s GSP program?

To qualify for the Sacramento State Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) the student must be admitted to Sacramento State and have completed their Intent to Enroll on their Student Center portal. Our GSP program accepts incoming first-year, transfer, graduate and continuing students if they have experienced at least one day in the child welfare system. This would include, but is not limited to those that are/have experienced the following:

  • Current/former foster youth including those in Extended Foster Care (AB12)
  • Probation foster youth
  • Placement through Child Welfare Services in Legal Guardianship or Voluntary Placement Agreement (VPA)
  • Placement through Child Welfare Services in a Relative or Non-Relative Resource Family (Foster Home)
  • Placement through Child Welfare Services in a Group Home or other Institutional Care settings
  • Placement through Child Welfare Services in a Transitional Living Arrangement (for example, THP-M, THPP, THP+FC, or THP+)
  • Placement through Tribal Child Welfare Services

Q. I was an unaccompanied minor in high school. Do I qualify for GSP?

Yes, GSP serves students who are/were verified under the McKinney-Vento Act by their high school district. The student must provide a McKinney Vento Verification Letter signed by their district’s Homeless Liaison to to begin the process in getting registered with the program.

Q. What documentation is required to join GSP?

How can I obtain my verification documents for this program?

Each student who is interested in registering with GSP must submit verification of their experience in the child welfare system/unaccompanied minors. Some examples of documentation include

  • Official letter from your current/former County Social Worker
  • Official Letter from your county’s Independent Living Program (ILP)
  • Official Letter from The Office of the Foster Care Ombudsperson (OFCO)
  • McKinney Vento Verification Letter from student’s district Homeless Liaison

If a student has questions regarding their documentation and eligibility, they can reach out via or connect with our team at the office.

Q. What is the Office of Foster Care Ombudsperson & how do they help?

How do they help with verification documentation?

The Office of the Foster Care Ombudsperson is an office in the State of California that solves problems and complaints about care, placement, and services of children and youth in foster care. For students who were previously in care in the State of California and have exited foster care, they may contact this office to receive a verification letter at 1-877-846-1602. The office will request the student’s name while in care, date of birth, and the recent county they were in care. If located in the system, a letter will be emailed directly to the student shortly after the call ends.

If the student is still currently in care or in Extended Foster Care, they will not be located in OFCO system and will need to connect with their social worker or county ILP. If the student was in care out of state, OFCO can provide resources on connecting with similar offices in other states.

Q. How can I qualify for the priority housing/housing fee deferrals?

For students who are registered with our program, they may be eligible for support as they transition into Sacramento State including priority housing for on campus housing, housing application fee deferrals and orientation fee waivers. Students must be fully registered with GSP prior to receiving these benefits.

Q. What types of services & benefits are offered in Sac State's GSP?

  • General academic advising and counseling
  • Priority Registration (Some Restrictions Apply)
  • Textbook Loaner Program
  • Priority On-Campus Housing
  • On-Campus Housing Application Fee Deferment
  • Mental Health & Wellness Support and Referrals
  • Employment readiness assistance and referrals
  • Student assistant opportunities & peer mentorship
  • Orientation Fee Waiver
  • Scholarship Opportunities (On and Off-Campus Scholarships)
  • Emergency Financial Support & Financial Literacy Education
  • Referrals to Other Campus Departments and Community Programs
  • Welcoming and accessible program staff specializing in case management, advocacy, and support
  • Sense of belonging through community building activities including monthly socials, workshops, study groups, snacks, food pantry, and more.

Q. Age limit and/or time required to have spent in child welfare?

Is there an age limit and/or a specific amount of time required to have spent in child welfare to qualify for this program?

No, there is no age limit to be a Sac State Guardian Scholar. As long as the student has experienced at least one-day in the child welfare system and are accepted/enrolled at Sacramento State, they are eligible.

Q. How can I connect with GSP before I enroll into Sac State?

How soon should I register with the Sac State’s GSP program?

To connect with the program, please email the GSP program at at any time, and a staff member will connect with the student. It is highly recommended to register with the GSP program shortly after submitting their “Intent to Enroll.” The process to register a student in completed in two steps

  • Step 1: Provide a copy of your dependency documents/foster youth verification letter(s) and email it to or submit them to a Program Coordinator at the GSP Center in Sacramento Hall, Room 118
  • Step 2: Once the documents have been submitted, a Program Coordinator will contact the student within 1 business day to schedule a meeting to complete the GSP Registration Form. This appointment typically lasts an hour and allows the student to meet the coordinators, learn about the services and benefits and identify support that the student may need in their transition to Sacramento State.
  • Step 3: Once these items are submitted, the student is officially admitted to the program!

If there are additional questions, please email us at