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Student Academic Success & Educational Equity Programs Division of Student Affairs

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Faculty Student Mentor Program

The Faculty Student Mentor Program (FSMP) is one of several educational equity programs designed to provide students with the academic support and encouragement needed to accomplish their educational goals. In collaboration with teams of faculty, staff and peer mentors from the respective Colleges, the program is designed to offer academic, career and personal support, interaction and connection outside of the classroom through mentoring and activities that engage and bring greater equity to Pell-eligible students and students from traditionally low-income communities who identify as first-generation and/or as a student of color educational journeys.

Group of students smiling at the camera

Meet Us

Faculty Student Mentor Program (FSMP) is represented by each academic college. Led by SASEEP’s administrative team, FSMP is designed to offer academic and personal support to students from traditionally low-income communities.

Dr. Chao Danny Vang
Assistant Vice President, Educational Equity Programs and Student Success

Kevin Nguyen
Lead Administrative Coordinator

Angelina Xiong

Pricila Lucas

College of Arts & Letters

  • TBD

College of Business

College of Education

College of Engineering & Computer Science

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

  • Sayonita Ghosh Hajra, Director, Commit to Study Associate Professor
    Department of Mathematics & Statistics

College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (SISS)

  • PaHoua Lee, Student Success Coordinator
    Coll of SSIS Deans Ofc
  • Marya Endriga, Associate Dean of Student and Personnel Services
    Coll of SSIS Deans Ofc

College of Health & Human Services

Multi-Tiered Mentors of Support

Goal: target and tailor connection and mentoring strategies for students with various needs.

Individually/very small groups (Access approach: explicit and intentional) IMPACT

  • Preparing application for postgraduate opportunities
  • Conducting Research
  • An advocate

Small groups (Equity approach: additional opportunities) CONNECTION

  • Academic and Career Advice and Advising
  • Referrals and soft hand off
  • A role model

Available to all students (Outreach approach) AWARENESS

  • Workshop and event/Referral to resources and offices
  • Peer mentor/Tutoring
  • A supporter


The Faculty Student Mentor Program will encourage faculty–staff student interaction and connection outside of the classroom through mentoring and activities that engage and bring greater equity to students' educational journeys. Our motto is: Mentoring Equity Across Campus.


  • Maintain or increase students’ persistence and retention rates compared to prior year.
  • Provide social and academic high-impact interventions and support for students to increase their social networks on campus.
  • Assist students in integrating into campus life and assist their development as scholars in their academic major.


  • 90% of students are in good standing and enrolled in the following semester and/or year.
  • 90% of students had at least one interaction with a faculty/staff mentor.
  • 75% of students participated in at least one sponsored activity.


  • Providing students the opportunity to meet new and continuing students with similar academic, cultural, and social interests.
  • Providing students the opportunity to have a collaborative relationship with a faculty and staff mentor within the discipline of choice.
  • Providing support for academic pursuits, personal development and practical career guidance to facilitate participation in rigorous academic endeavors and activities.
  • Supporting participation in undergraduate research, scholarship, creative activities and community-based service initiatives across colleges and disciplines;
  • Increasing academic confidence with assistance to improve academic skills such as writing, note-taking, time management, and stress management skills.
  • Getting faculty and staff expert advice on portfolio and professional work samples.
  • Encouraging mentoring, coaching, and other nurturing interactions among faculty mentors and students.
  • Receiving assistance with course selections, majors and referrals to major advisors.
  • Receiving assistance with test preparation (TEAS, CBEST, CSET, WPJ); and
  • Offering active student academic support for these efforts through workshops and undergraduate courses and seminars.
  • Our centers, peer mentoring provides an opportunity to build relationships with students, creating a sense of community and belonging.

Who are Pell Students

Hello Campus Partners and Colleagues

Pell Grants and Student Success Symposium: Creating Connections for Policy and Practice
April 3, 2024 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm in the University Union, 1st floor, Hinde Auditorium

The focus of this symposium is to increase awareness about first-generation and low-income college student experiences and to ensure a shared responsibility for their access and success

A Partnership with the California Student Aid Commission, divisions and partners across the campus.

Register for the Pell Grants and Student Success Symposium

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